Przed domem Kultury na av. Corneille. Od lewej: Zygmunt Hertz, Maria Czapska, Zofia Hertz, NN, Józef Czapski, NN. / Sygn. FIL00973 / © Instytut Literacki


Józef Majewski initiates debate in Kultura issue no. 61 over the acceptance of Poland's post-war eastern border with a view to normalizing relations between Poland and the future independent states of Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania. Giedroyc publishes the first of five so-called Polish issues of Kultura in which the state of the nation is analysed.


Constitution of the Polish People’s Republic is enacted.


Evita Peron dies. King Farouk of Egypt is deposed. Elizabeth II accedes to British throne.

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